新关注 > 信息聚合 > 技术驱动梦想,蜗牛数字的引擎升级之路


Technology-driven dream, the snail digital engine upgrade path

2016-04-29 10:12:34来源: 全景网

互联网行业,日新月异的技术进步带来便利与快捷,同时也对于逐鹿其中的企业提出不断进步与创新的考验。作为互联网行业的一个分支,游戏企业在发展过程中,同样面临技术层面的考验,其中,最为核心的技术就在于游戏引擎。 所谓游戏引擎,是指一些已编写好的可编辑电脑游戏系统或者一些交互式实时图像应用程...

The Internet industry, rapid technological progress brings convenience and fast, and at the same time for both the enterprise put forward progress and innovation of the test. As a branch of the Internet industry, games companies in the process of development, face the same technical test, among them, the most core technology is that the game engine. So-called game engine, it is to point to some writing good editable computer game system, or some interactive real-time image application process...