新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最强单挑之王 《全民超神》暴力天女暴走降临

最强单挑之王 《全民超神》暴力天女暴走降临

Most one-on-one hit the king of the "national super god" violence, having outbreak

2016-04-29 10:55:26来源: 4399

镰刀夺魂,暴力夺魄,天女爆发一击索命。全民超神新战士英雄暴力天女正式上线了。高伤害,单挑能力超强的爆发型战士,对于喜欢收割人头的玩家来说,千万不要错过了! 大神交流欢迎加入4399全民超神1群(433627875) ,2群(521135113) 传说在泽比拉大陆的极渊深处,有一条神...

Sickle prodigy, violent duo, having hit a death. A new super god warrior hero violence, having officially launched. High damage, strong one-on-one hit ability the outbreak of the warrior, for a player like to harvest the head, don't miss! Great spirit exchanges are welcome to join 4399 universal god group 1 (433627875), group 2 (521135113) legend in jersey's mainland very deep place, there is a god...