新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《斩魂》手游版公测来袭 锁定5月5日iOS首发

《斩魂》手游版公测来袭 锁定5月5日iOS首发

The mobile game edition of the cut soul open beta to lock the iOS starting on May 5th

2016-04-29 12:22:42来源: 18183

东方幻想格斗手游《斩魂》公测即将开启!三体瞬切,无尽连杀,实时PVP,等你体验!《斩魂》手游将于5月5日于App Store独家上市,并于5月13日开启全平台公测! 网易2016横版大作、东方幻想格斗手游《斩魂》由端游原班团队打造,承袭端游特色,还原场景人物,创新格斗玩法。六大英雄角...

The Oriental fantasy combat mobile game "cut soul" public beta is open! Three instantaneous cutting body, endless even killed, real-time PVP, waiting for you to experience! "Cut the soul" mobile game will be on May 5th in the App Store exclusive listing, and on May 13, open platform for open beta! Netease 2016 horizontal version of the book, the Oriental fantasy combat mobile game "to cut the soul" by the end of the original team building, from the characteristic, restore scene, innovation fighting game. Six big hero Angle...

标签: iOS 手游