新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏界奥斯卡TGA落幕 《巫师3》获年度最佳

游戏界奥斯卡TGA落幕 《巫师3》获年度最佳

Gaming Oscar TGA end wizard 3 year

2015-12-04 15:01:49来源: 17173

被誉为游戏界奥斯卡的TGA 2015在今天早些时候圆满落幕。来自波兰的CD Projekt RED工作室凭借《巫师3:狂猎》一举拿下了今年最佳游戏,最佳RPG以及最佳开发商三项大奖,祝贺他们。 下面就让我们一起来看看TGA 2015的全部获奖名单吧。 年度最佳游戏:《巫师3:狂猎》...

Is regarded as a TGA 2015 gaming Oscar earlier in the day ended. From Poland CD Projekt RED studio with the wizard 3: crazy hunters picked up the best game of the year, best RPG and best developers three awards, congratulations to them. Let's take a look at all TGA 2015 winners. The game of the year: the wizard 3: crazy hunting...

标签: 游戏