新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》游戏版本革新 将取消战斗评分

《守望先锋》游戏版本革新 将取消战斗评分

"Watch the pioneers" game version of the reform will be canceled battle score

2015-10-08 11:50:11来源: 17173

《守望先锋》是暴雪娱乐第一次尝试多人射击游戏,其中吸收了Moba、团队设计以及更多游戏的不同元素。然而,游戏设计师Geoff Goodman在接受采访时提到,他们在制造一些差异。其中一个例子:当前的内部版本弱化了计分系统。 “在最近的版本,我们重制了整个得分系统——实际上计分已经被取...

"watch the pioneers" is Blizzard Entertainment for the first time to try a number of shooting games, which absorbed Moba, team design and more games for different elements. However, game designer Goodman Geoff said in an interview that they are making some differences. One example: the current internal version has weakened the scoring system. "In a recent version, we have made the whole scoring system - in fact, the score has been taken...

标签: 游戏 守望先锋