新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经典模型再现 SC2版DOTA地图即将出炉

经典模型再现 SC2版DOTA地图即将出炉

Classical model reproduces SC2 version of DOTA map upcoming

2015-09-19 13:34:25来源: 游久网

近日,一名老WAR3 RPG地图作者德堪(dekan)公布了他的星际争霸2内置DOTA的制作计划,从他公布的图集中,我们可以看到许多熟悉的模型和让人莫名悸动的小细节。 而一些对DOTA了解并不深刻的媒体在没有仔细求证的情况下,对这个刚刚开始开发的地图进行了过度的解读,甚至使用了“星际...

recently, Kan announced his StarCraft Dekan 2 built in dota plans to produce a old war3 RPG map author De, from he published, we can see many familiar models and inexplicable throb of small details. And some of the DOTA is not deep understanding of the media in the absence of a closer look at the situation, the just beginning of the development of a map of the interpretation, and even used the star...

标签: DOTA