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"Xuanyuan sword seven" latest battle demonstration open: War mechanism tiger

2020-08-05 21:42:58来源: 游戏时光

  《轩辕剑 柒》在今晚的 Gfest 上公布了全新战斗演示预告,官方表示游戏将在明天公布完整演示内容。  本作为即时制角色扮演游戏,故事发生在西汉末年,玩家将扮演遗孤太史昭,为保护家人而踏上斩妖除魔、追寻真相之路。

"Xuanyuan sword seven" released a new battle demonstration preview at gfest tonight. Officials said the game will release the full demonstration content tomorrow. As a real-time role-playing game, the story takes place at the end of the Western Han Dynasty. The player will play the orphan Tai Shizhao and embark on the road to kill demons and seek truth in order to protect his family.