新关注 > 信息聚合 > 投票开启之前,再来欣赏一些《对马之魂》摄影比赛的精彩投稿作品吧!


Before the vote is opened, enjoy some wonderful contributions to the photography competition of the soul of the horse!

2020-08-05 17:27:47来源: 游戏时光

  我们举办的《对马之魂》「刀光剑影·对马」摄影比赛的投稿阶段已经在上周五(7 月 31 日)结束啦,玩家们的参与热情超出了我们的预料。一周的投稿时间里,我们收到了三个平台(评论、俱乐部以及微博)近 100 名玩家上传的 2000 多张投稿作品,可以说是最近我们举办的摄影比赛中投稿数量和质量最棒的一次,在此我们对各位玩家老爷的大力支持表示感谢!  目前我们内部还在对投稿作品进行筛选工作,投票活动将在不久之后启动,还请各位参赛选手耐心等待。今次我们将进行投票活动前的最后一次投稿展示,依旧提供无水印的图片供各位进行下载,欢迎查看!  注:本文展示的投稿不代表最终投票的候选名单。武士 & 战斗ID:DOLOREMID:THXID:诘sinID:阳卿然ID:Faust·R自然 & 人文ID:angelu

The stage of the contribution of our photography competition "to the soul of horse" and "sword, sword, shadow to horse" was over on Friday (July 31), and the enthusiasm of players' participation exceeded our expectation. During the week's contribution time, we received more than 2000 contributions uploaded by nearly 100 players from three platforms (comments, clubs and microblogs). It can be said that it is the best time that we have contributed in the recent photography competition. We thank you for your great support! At present, we are still screening the contributions. The voting will be launched soon. Please wait patiently. This time we will present the last submission exhibition before the voting activity. We still provide the watermark free pictures for download. Welcome to see! Note: the contributions presented in this article do not represent the list of candidates for the final vote. Warrior & combat ID: doloreid: thxid: hechinid: Yang qingran ID: Faust · r nature & amp; humane id:angelu