新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《底特律:化身为人》累计销量破500万


"Detroit: Incarnation" sold more than 5 million

2020-08-05 10:40:03来源: 游戏时光

  开发商 Quantic Dream 表示,《底特律:化身为人》累计销量超过 500 万套。  《底特律:化身为人》最初是 PS4 独占游戏,不到一年的时间里就售出了 200 万份,成为这家法国工作室迄今为止销售最快的游戏。该游戏在 2019 年 12 月通过 Epic 游戏商店登陆 PC 平台,并在今年 6 月登陆 Steam 平台。  登陆 Steam 时,《底特律:化身为人》还增加了一个新功能,允许 Twitch 主播和观众在游戏中合作做出决定。  Quantic Dream 联合 CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière 表示:  在 Steam 上推出《底特律:化身为人》对我们来说是一次愉快的经历。我们收到的反馈非常积极,特别是在亚洲市场。  同时我们也为 Twitch 上针对主播和

"Detroit: Incarnation" has sold more than five million units, according to Quantic dream, a developer. "Detroit: Incarnation" was originally a PS4 exclusive game and sold two million copies in less than a year, making it the fastest selling game for the French studio to date. The game was launched on PC platform through epic game store in December 2019 and steam platform in June this year. When landing at steam, Detroit: Incarnation also added a new feature that allows twitch hosts and viewers to collaborate in making decisions in the game. Guillaume de fondaumi è re, CO CEO of quantitative dream, said: it was a great experience for us to launch "Detroit: Incarnation" on steam. We have received very positive feedback, especially in the Asian market. At the same time, we are also targeting the anchor and