新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「多卡邦X传颂之物」新作《多卡邦UP!梦幻轮盘》将登陆PS4/NS


"Docabon X" new work "docabon up! Dream roulette will be launched on PS4 / NS

2020-08-05 09:03:49来源: 游戏时光

  新一期周刊《Fami 通》透露了 Aquaplus 旗下完全新作,为“传颂之物”系列和“多卡邦”系列的联动新作《多卡邦UP!梦幻轮盘》,预计本作将于 12 月 10 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台。  《多卡邦UP!梦幻轮盘》将沿用“多卡邦”系列的玩法,是一款含 RPG 要素的双陆棋(强手棋)游戏,而背景世界观则采用了“传颂之物”世界,哈克、久远、哈克奥罗、艾露露等系列角色均将在本作中登场,进行一场争夺“资金”的大乱斗。  事实上“多卡邦”是一个有着 27 年历史的优秀 IP,系列初代《决战!多卡邦王国 4~传说的勇者们》于 1993 年在 SFC 上推出,标题中的“4”实际上指的是“四人对战”,后续作品超过 10 部,甚至还推出过手游和网游,不过该系列于 2010 年推出网游后就再无正统作品。来源:g

Famitong, a new weekly magazine, revealed that aquaplus's new work, docabon up! It is expected that this work will be launched on the PS4 / switch platform on December 10. Docabon up! "Dream roulette" will continue to use the "duocabang" series of play, is a backgammon (strong hand chess) game with RPG elements, while the background worldview adopts the "eulogized things" world. A series of characters, such as Huck, Jiuyuan, huckolo and ELU, will appear in this work to fight for "funds". In fact, "Duoka Bang" is an excellent IP with a history of 27 years! "The brave men of the legend" was launched on SFC in 1993. The "4" in the title actually refers to "four people fighting". There are more than 10 follow-up works, even hand games and online games. However, the series has no orthodox works since the online games were launched in 2010. Source: G

标签: PS PS4