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Tentacles! The latest announcement of shadow factory

2020-08-05 21:18:17来源: 游戏时光

  在今晚的 Gfest 线上游戏联欢会上,《去月球》制作人高瞰带来了《影子工厂》的最新预告,一起来看看高瞰的“黑暗面”吧。  根据游戏商店页面,《影子工厂》是一款以叙事为导向,“类别庞杂到放弃治疗”的冒险游戏。  沃茨医生和罗莎莉恩医生和有一份非常特殊的工作:他们可以给人们重活一次的机会,从人生的最开始重头来过。  某天,昆西 收到一份邀请函请他去某个偏僻可疑的豪华别墅参加派对,然后他就去了。因为尽管这个别墅偏僻可疑,但好歹够豪华,而且有派对。这别墅有多豪华?豪华到它的洗手间里居然有台时光机。昆西可以一边洗手,一边顺便来个穿越,多么省时间!  当然,之后别墅里就开始死人了,毕竟人生自古谁无死?  本作将于 2020 年末发售。

At the gfest online game gathering tonight, Gao Kan, the producer of "to the moon", brought the latest preview of "shadow factory". Let's take a look at the "dark side" of Gaokan. According to the game store page, "shadow factory" is a narrative oriented adventure game with "too many categories to give up treatment.". Dr. watts and Dr. Rosalyn have a very special job: they can give people a chance to live again, to start all over again. One day, Quincy received an invitation to a party in a remote and suspicious luxury villa, and he went. Because although the villa is remote and suspicious, it is luxurious and has parties. How luxurious is the villa? Luxury has a time machine in its bathroom. Quincy can wash his hands while passing by. How time-saving! Of course, after all, the villas began to die. After all, who has never died since ancient times? The book will be on sale at the end of 2020.