新关注 > 信息聚合 > 次世代Xbox外置SSD兼容游戏测试,和内置固态区别不大


Next generation Xbox external SSD compatible game test, and built-in solid-state difference is not big

2020-10-10 21:14:48来源: 游戏时光

我们此前已经见识过了次世代 Xbox 内置硬盘读取兼容游戏的速度。虽然次世代游戏不能运行在 USB 外置硬盘,但兼容游戏没有这个限制。那么拿外置 SSD 去运行兼容游戏的效果和机器自带的 SSD 或者官方的拓展存储卡会有什么区别呢。Digital Foundry 近期对此做了测试,结果意料之外情理之中。 测试硬盘分别为 Xbox Series X 内置 SSD三星 870 QVO SATA接口 SSD + Sabrent 转接器三星 PM961 NVMe M.2 接口固态 + 华硕 ROG 转接器希捷 Passport 5TB 移动机械硬盘 其中 PM961 虽然不是市面上最快的 NVMe

&Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; we've seen the speed at which next-generation Xbox hard drives can read compatible games. Although next generation games cannot run on USB external hard disk, compatible games do not have this limitation. So what's the difference between using an external SSD to run a compatible game and a SSD or an official extended memory card. Digital foundry recently tested this, and the results were unexpected. &The test hard disks are Xbox series X built-in SSD, Samsung 870 qvo SATA interface SSD, sabrent adapter, Samsung pm961 nvme m.2 interface solid-state and ASUS Rog adapter Seagate passport 5TB mobile mechanical hard disk respectively, of which pm961 is not the fastest nvme on the market

标签: 游戏 Xbox