新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《九阳神功》参展2015CJ 开放三平台试玩

《九阳神功》参展2015CJ 开放三平台试玩

"Nine Yang magic," the exhibition open 2015CJ platform demo

2015-07-29 16:18:37来源: 178游戏网

蜗牛3D武侠MOBA《九阳神功》将于明日(7月30日)在上海新国际博览中心参展2015年ChinaJoy,,Xbox One平台与PS4平台都将带来重磅消息,PC平台也将亮相。 三平台游戏体验区开放 除了酷炫的展台以外,蜗牛Showgirl妹子也十分亮眼,并且将会和玩家一起并肩作战...

snail 3D martial arts MoBa "Nine Yang magic," will be held tomorrow (July 30) 2015 ChinaJoy exhibiting at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, Xbox one platform and PS4 platform will bring heavy news, PC platform will also debut. Platform game experience open area in addition to cool booth, snail showgirl sister is very brisk and internationally and will be fought together.