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新职业上线 《大天使之剑》圣导师今日重磅登场

New professional on-line the archangel's sword "holy teacher today blockbuster debut Sina

2015-07-16 10:50:52来源: 新浪

37《大天使之剑》全新职业“圣导师”今日火热上线,犹如童话中的王子一般,他身穿黄金铠甲,肩上的披风随风飘荡,威风凛凛,一种骑士凯旋而归的气魄油然而生!圣导师的技能不仅仅是酷炫华丽,伤害程度更是所向无敌,让你在体验游戏时分分钟艳惊四座,技压群芳! 《大天使之剑》官方网站:http://...

37 the archangel's sword" new career "holy mentor" today on the hot line, like in a fairy tale prince general, he was wearing golden armor, shoulder cape wind drift, majestic, a knight in triumph of spirit arises spontaneously. Holy teacher's skills are not only cool gorgeous and damage degree is invincible, let you in playing time min Yan Jing 4, jiyaqunfang! "The sword of the great angel" official website: http://...