新关注 > 信息聚合 > E3 2015获奖结果出炉 《神秘海域4》盆满钵盈

E3 2015获奖结果出炉 《神秘海域4》盆满钵盈

E3 winning 2015 released the results of the uncharted 4 "basin full earthen bowl surplus

2015-07-08 11:45:35来源: 新浪

E3权威游戏评奖机构Game Critics Awards公布了E3 2015获奖结果,《神秘海域4》获得了“最佳主机游戏”、“最佳动作/冒险游戏”、“特别图像将”等多项大奖。 与此同时,还值得关注的是《星球大战:前线》,《星球大战:前线》不仅获得众多大奖提名,还获得了IGN游戏奖,...

E3 authoritative game prize awarding institutions Game Critics Awards announced the E3 2015 winning. As a result, the mysterious waters" won the "best console game", "best action / adventure game", "special image will" and other awards. At the same time, it is also worth attention is Star Wars: the front, Star Wars: the front is not only won numerous awards nominations, also won the IGN game award,...