新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《白夜》试玩初体验:黑白电影风解谜游戏


At the beginning of the "White Nights" demo experience: black and white film wind puzzle game

2015-07-08 09:41:15来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 说起“白夜”,大家可能会想到东野圭吾的推理小说《白夜行》,也可能会想到韩国同志电影《白夜》(这……),但今天呢,小编不是推荐小说也不是聊基佬,而是为大家带来OSome Studio开发、Activision发行的恐怖解谜游戏《白夜》试玩...

[this by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate the source] speaking of "White Nights", we may think of keigo Higashino reasoning novel "white night", and may also will think of Korea maybe with Chi film "White Nights" (this for me... ), but today, Xiaobian not recommended fiction is not chat gay, but for everyone to bring OSome Studio development, Activision released terrorist puzzle game "White Nights" demo...

标签: 游戏 电影