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女神迷彩诱惑 《枪林弹雨》柏妮丝汹涌来袭

Goddess camouflage temptation "bullets" Bernice surge incoming

2015-07-06 20:33:12来源: 07073游戏网

由天拓游戏独家代理的射击类网页游戏《枪林弹雨》有一个绝大特色一直受到广大男玩家的青睐,那就是不定期推出的各种靓丽妹子角色,她们不仅养眼还对战斗有极大帮助。而如今又有一个全新妹子汹涌来袭啦!柏妮丝闪亮登场,为你施展迷彩诱惑!啥?为什么汹涌?看看就知道了。 次世代FPS页游,缔造最强枪战...

the exclusive agent of tiantuo Games Shooting Games category pages "bullets" is a great characteristic has been favored by the majority of male players, that is launched from time to time of all kinds of beautiful beautiful sister angle color. They not only pleasing to the eye but also to fight have great help. And now they have a new sister raging hit!! Bernice glistens is taken to the threshing ground, you cast camouflage temptation! What? Why turbulent? Take a look at the know. Next gen FPS page tour, creating the most powerful gun battle...