新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新·福音战士剧场版𝄇》今日上映,12分钟影像公开


"New evangelical warrior theater version" is released today, with 12 minute video released

2021-03-08 10:20:00来源: 游戏时光

EVA 剧场版最终章《新·福音战士剧场版𝄇》已于今日(3月8日)在日本上映。官方还公开了本片的 12 分钟影像完整版,和去年发布的老版本不同,这个全新的开头影像,精修了大部分画面,并新增了结尾 2 分钟画面。视频地址 本作的上映经历可谓一波三折,由于受到疫情影响,本片经历了多次改档:2020 年 6 月 27日→ 2021 年 1 月 23 日→2021 年 3 月 8 日。本片由庵野秀明总监督,鹤卷和哉、中山胜一、前田真宏执导,林原惠美、绪方惠美、宫村优子等担任配音,片长 2 小时 35 分钟,有 IMAX、4DX、MX4D 版上映。来源:livedoor

&The final chapter of EVA theater edition, new evangelical warrior theater edition, was released in Japan today (March 8). The official also released the full 12 minute video version of the film, which is different from the old version released last year. This new opening video refines most of the pictures and adds a 2-minute picture at the end. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; the film's release experience can be described as twists and turns. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the film has undergone many file changes: June 27, 2020 → January 23, 2021 → March 8, 2021. The film is supervised by Asano Xiuming, directed by hejuan Heya, Nakayama Shengyi and Maeda Zhenhong, and voiced by Huimei lamhara, Huimei Xufang and Youko Miyamura. The film is 2 hours and 35 minutes long and has IMAX, 4DX and mx4d versions. Source: livedoor