新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《沉没之城》发行商回应开发商的“盗版”指控 希望开发商澄清

《沉没之城》发行商回应开发商的“盗版”指控 希望开发商澄清

"Sunken city" publisher responded to the developer's "piracy" accusation, hoping the developer to clarify

2021-03-04 11:18:26来源: 游戏时光

几天前,《沉没之城》的开发商 Frogwares 发长文控诉本作的发行商 Nacon 违背合约,还在未经允许的情况下破解修改了自家的游戏并上传进行销售,随后 Frogwares 再次将 Steam 平台的《沉没之城》下架。今天,Nacon 对此事进行了回应,称 Frogwares 的指控是“带有偏见且毫无根据的”。Nacon 称,自己是《沉没之城》在 Steam 平台的唯一发行商,并且在此项目上投入的总体营销成本已经超过了 1000 万欧元。与 Frogwares 所指控的相反,Nacon 目前已经支付了所需的开发成本和版税。另外,Nacon 表示 Frogwares 曾多次以 Nacon 延期支付收入为由,拒绝交付 Steam 版的《沉没之城》,并试图解除合约,绕过 Nacon 在 Steam 平台销售游戏。

A few days ago, Frogwares, the developer of sunken city, issued a long article accusing the publisher of this work, nacon, of breaking the contract and modifying his own game without permission, and then uploading it for sale. Then Frogwares took the sunken city of steam platform off the shelf again. Today, nacon responded to the case, saying that the accusations made by Frogwares were "biased and groundless.". Nacon said that it is the only distributor of sunken city on steam platform, and the total marketing cost of the project has exceeded 10 million euros. Contrary to what Frogwares alleges, nacon has now paid the required development costs and royalties. In addition, nacon said that Frogwares had repeatedly refused to deliver the steam version of "sunken city" on the grounds of nacon's delayed payment of revenue, and tried to terminate the contract and bypass nacon to sell the game on the steam platform.