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英国2020年游戏销量榜:《FIFA 21》220万份登顶

UK 2020 game sales: 2.2 million FIFA 21

2021-03-05 11:02:49来源: 游戏时光

英国 2020 年游戏市场软硬件销量现已出炉,作为业界整体跨入次世代的一年,PS5 与 Xbox Series X/S 于 11 月相继发售,据数据统计2020 年内 PS5 光驱版/无光驱版合计卖出 45 万台,Xbox Series X/S 合计卖出 31 万台,Switch 家族则卖出 150 万台,PS5、Xbox series、Switch 主机及游戏营收分别为 1.91 亿、1.18 亿、3.67 亿英镑。 2020 年英国游戏市场硬件销量有着显著提升,Xbox 系主机合计销量达到了 60 万台,超过了 2019 年的 50 万台,PS 系主机也卖出了 90 万台,远超 2019 年的 70 万台,Switch 主机销量更是比 2019 年要高出 100 万台! 游戏

The sales volume of software and hardware in the UK game market in 2020 has been released. As the industry as a whole has entered the next generation, ps5 and Xbox series X / s have been put on sale successively in November. According to statistics, in 2020, the total sales volume of ps5 CD-ROM / CD-ROM free version, Xbox series X / s, switch family and ps5, Xbox series and switch will be 450000, 310000 and 1.5 million respectively Console and game revenue were 191 million, 118 million and 367 million pounds respectively. &In 2020, the sales volume of hardware in the UK game market has increased significantly. The total sales volume of Xbox series hosts has reached 600000, more than 500000 in 2019. The sales volume of PS series hosts has also sold 900000, far more than 700000 in 2019. The sales volume of switch hosts is more than 1 million in 2019! &Amp; nbsp; games

标签: 游戏