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A牌不再 —《圣物2.0》终止开发,转为免费运营

A card no longer - relic 2.0 stops development and becomes free operation

2021-03-05 10:20:29来源: 游戏时光

经历了漫长的回炉重造后,Valve 于周四正式宣布《圣物 2.0》(Artifact 2.0)终止开发。《圣物 classic》 及 《圣物 2.0》(现更名为 Artifact Foundry) 的最终版本现已推出,并向所有人免费开放,今后不再计划推出任何内容更新。 在《圣物》的 Steam 社区页面上,官方发表了一篇文章: 虽然我们对游戏大部分内容感到相当满意,但目标活跃玩家数量还不足以达到能证明游戏可以继续开发的水平。因此,我们做出了一个艰难的决定,停止《Artifact 2.0》版本的开发。Artifact Classic 最终版概况游戏对所有人免费开放。所有玩家皆

&On Thursday, valve officially announced the termination of the development of artifact 2.0. The final versions of holy things classic and holy things 2.0 (now renamed artifact foundry) are now available and are free to all. No content updates are planned in the future. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; on the holy things steam community page, an official article was published: & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; although we are quite satisfied with most of the content of the game, the number of target active players is not enough to prove that the game can continue to develop. So we made a tough decision to stop the art