新关注 > 信息聚合 > 系列赛北京站12日启幕 吴敏霞领衔跳水明星亮相水..

系列赛北京站12日启幕 吴敏霞领衔跳水明星亮相水..

The series of Beijing Railway Station 12 day opens Wu Minxia led diving stars water..

2015-03-12 19:25:45来源: 中国新闻网

中新社北京3月12日电 (记者 高凯)去年APEC会议前进行了大规模景观升级的水立方12日迎来一众跳水明星,国际泳联世界跳水系列赛的首站比赛将于13日至15于此间举行。 本次跳水系列赛是“新装”...

in new Beijing on 12 March, (reporter Gao Kai) last year before the APEC meeting to carry out a large-scale landscape upgrading water cube 12 ushered in a public diving star, FINA World Diving Series is the first race will be held from 13 to 15 in the held here. The diving series is "new clothes"...