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文章导演电影真正男主角是包贝尔 已进组拍摄

The film director real actor is bobel into the group has taken

2015-07-22 00:40:43来源: 大河网

此前文章在片场被拍 腾讯娱乐讯 文章的复出导演之作《陆垚知马莉》正在上海热拍,此前曾有爆料该片的男主角是陈赫。不过(7月21日)有媒体发现,壹星娱乐手机网页上看到该片主演栏中写着“包贝尔”,他将...

earlier articles in the studio was shot Tencent Entertainment News article comeback director for were making the Lu Yaozhi Mary hot Shanghai had previously claimed the film actor is Chenhe. However, (July 21st) the media found that one star entertainment on the phone to see the movie starring column written in Bao Beier, he will...

标签: 电影