新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆:快乐大课间 3000名中学生齐跳《小苹果》

重庆:快乐大课间 3000名中学生齐跳《小苹果》

Chongqing: happy big break 3000 high school students together jump "little apple"

2015-03-26 12:05:07来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 3月25日上午,记者在学校操场看到,伴随着《小苹果》欢乐的节奏,3000多名学生齐齐举手、弯腰、伸腿……朝气蓬勃的面孔,充满动感的律动,成为校园大课间的一道靓丽风景线。 同学们在跳《小...

[Abstract] on the morning of March 25, the reporter saw in the school playground, with "little apple" happy rhythm, more than 3000 students opt for a show of hands, bend, leg...... Full of youthful spirit faces, dynamic rhythm, becomes the big break a beautiful scenery line. Students in the jump "small...

标签: 苹果