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《旋风少女》杨洋带病苦战 编剧:看你皱眉就心疼

The tornado girls "Yang Yang sick bitter screenwriter: see you frown on distressed

2015-08-19 12:07:48来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月19日电 昨晚,青春巨制《旋风少女》登陆湖南卫视“青春进行时”。随着故事发展的白热化,昨日收视也达到了全国网2.78%,收视份额17.66%。上周因一枚草莓发夹引发的情感迷局,本周却因若白(杨洋饰)生病而画风突变,洋溢起了一股浓浓的醋坛子味。 昨晚播出的内容中杨洋变身“弱白...

8 months 19 last night, the young giant" tornado girl "landing Hunan Satellite TV," when the youth ". With the intense development of the story, yesterday's ratings have reached 2.78% of the national network, the ratings of 17.66%. Last week caused by a strawberry hairpin emotional puzzle, because if the white (Yang Yangshi) sick and mutation style, filled with the A shares of thick vinegar jar taste this week. Last night broadcast of the contents of Yang Yang turned weak white...