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The recent new intelligent mobile phone

2015-10-03 10:41:52来源: 大河网

9月22日,小米4C在五洲皇冠假日酒店举行了发布会。23日,魅族也在五洲皇冠假日酒店发布了新品。两家厂商在市场上竞争激烈,发布会也选在了同一地点,一副死磕到底的节奏。 随着手机行业如火如荼的发展...

9 22, millet 4C held a press conference in Wuzhou Crowne Plaza Hotel. 23, Meizu also released a new Crowne Plaza Hotel in wuzhou. The two companies in the market competition, the conference also elected in the same place, a pair of Sike in the end of the rhythm. With the development of the mobile phone industry in full swing...