新关注 > 信息聚合 > 云南警官学院现神考题:选错任课老师扣41分


Yunnan Police Officer School is God exam: the wrong classroom teacher with 41 points deduction

2016-01-08 23:28:44来源: 中国青年网

云南警官学院现神考题 7日下午,网友“@-警小天-”在微博贴出一道“神题”。 从微博配图中试卷的截图可见,被“@-警小天-”称为“神题”的是一道“门槛题”——选择本学期《刑法分则》的任课老师。题干部分特别提醒:“本题答对不得分,答错扣41分。” 可供选择的4个教师分别为向群、...

Yunnan Police Officer Academy now God exam 7 pm, friends "@ - Police small day -" In the microblogging posted a "God question." Papers with pictures from microblogging screenshots seen to be "@ - Police small day -" is called "God question" is a "threshold question" - Choose this term "criminal law" of the classroom teacher. Casual working part reminded: "This question answer no points, wrong answer deducted 41 points." Choose four teachers were Xiangqun, ...