新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德州张小红家庭家风家训:孝——德之本,教之源


Texas Zhang Xiaohong family tradition family motto: filial piety, virtue of this, teach the source of

2015-09-20 20:48:57来源: 大河网

张小红家庭照 自荐家庭:张小红 家风家训:孝——德之本,教之源 “夫孝,德之本也,教之所由生也。”我家祖祖辈辈一直把孔子的这句话作为家训和家风。 我外公、外婆家境贫寒,靠卖煎饼养活全家,...

Zhang Xiaohong family recommendation family photo: Zhang Xiaohong tradition family motto: filial piety, virtue, teach the source of "filial piety, virtue of this also, teach and the students also." My ancestors have been the word Confucius as family and family. My grandfather, my grandmother was a poor family, to sell a pancake to feed the whole family,...