新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴萨将走之人变身楷模 一个人苦练 半欧洲追他

巴萨将走之人变身楷模 一个人苦练 半欧洲追他

Barcelona will go people transform model a person hard half Europe chasing him

2015-01-25 08:54:44来源: 新浪

本场比赛后,阿尔维斯独自刻苦训练 新浪体育讯 阿尔维斯前所未有地敬业。巴西边后卫知道,在国际足联禁止巴萨在2015年引援后,他在巴萨的价值重新变得重要了,他也希望能最大程度地抓住这一点。 最...

after the game, Alves was training hard of sina sports dispatch hitherto unknown to Alves dedication. Brazil fullback know, FIFA prohibited in Barcelona in 2015 after signing him at Barcelona, the value of re becomes important, he also wants to the greatest extent possible to grasp this point. The most...