新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京检查庙会食品安全 肉串不能只标“里脊”

北京检查庙会食品安全 肉串不能只标“里脊”

Beijing check food safety of meat string not only the temple fair "fillet"

2017-01-29 02:16:00来源: 千龙

今天(28日)是农历大年初一,北京市食药监局执法人员对龙潭庙会、厂甸庙会的食品安全进行了检查。一肉串销售摊位只标着“QQ里脊串”,没有明确标示肉串原料,被当场责令改正。 在龙潭庙会“都一处”摊位,...

Today (28) is on the first lunar month, the Beijing municipal food drug administration law enforcement officers to longtan temple fair, ChangDian temple fair of the food safety inspection. A kebab sales booth only marked "QQ fillet series", there is no clear sign of meat string of raw materials, shall be ordered to correct on the spot. In longtan temple fair "is a" booth,...