新关注 > 信息聚合 > 30秒!巴萨旧将踢懵穆帅 红魔队史六大惨案之一

30秒!巴萨旧将踢懵穆帅 红魔队史六大惨案之一

30 seconds! Barcelona will play meng old reds team history one of six big massacre of jose mourinho

2016-10-24 02:48:40来源: 华体网

佩德罗开场30秒破门 腾 体育10月23日 万众瞩目的曼联、切尔西大战,开场就直入高潮!开场30秒,佩德罗就攻入一球,这个进球,也创下了一系列纪录——本赛季英超最快进球。 开场切尔西左边路...

Pedro opening 30 seconds after sports on October 23rd The much-anticipated vs Manchester united, Chelsea, the opening into the climax! After 30 seconds, pedro we scored a goal, the goal, and a series of record - the fastest premier league this season. The opening Chelsea left...