新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蚂蜂窝发布“十一旅游急救攻略”:广州人爱美食,周边游首选潮汕


Day of cellular released "11 travel first aid strategy" : guangzhou people love good food and swim around chaoshan preferred

2017-09-28 16:33:21来源: DoNews

近日,全球旅游消费指南蚂蜂窝旅行网发布了“十一旅游急救攻略”,旨在帮助仍未规划出行,又不甘心待在家中的北上广居民,临时规划一场保证品质又方便抵达的旅行。 蚂蜂窝旅游大数据平台综合分析得出了广州市民最喜爱的三大周边游主题关键词,以及各周边游主题下最受关注的景点或目的地,用这些受到广泛关注与认可的旅行玩法,以及相应推荐目的地,拯救或将荒废“十一”假期。 大数据分析发现,广州市民在选择周边游目的地时,最看重的因素是美食。广州人最喜爱的周边游主题分别是广东美食、岭南文化和小资都市,但无论去到哪里,广州游客都热衷于寻觅当地美食。而其中,潮汕地区的美食最受欢迎,吸引了不少广州市民特意前往。 蚂蜂窝旅游研究...

Recently, the global tourism consumption guide travel day cellular network released the "11 tourism emergency strategy", is designed to help still not planning to travel, unwilling to stay at home in the north broad residents, temporary arrived in planning a guarantees the quality and convenient travel. Day big data platform for comprehensive analysis it is concluded that the cellular tourism three swam around guangzhou citizens favorite subject keywords, and the surrounding swim under the theme scenic spots or destination, attracts the most attention with these travel play by wide attention and recognition, and the corresponding recommended destination, save or will waste "11" holiday. Big data analysis found that guangzhou citizens, when choosing surrounding tourism destination value most is food. Swim around guangzhou people's favorite subject are guangdong cuisine, lingnan culture and city, but no matter where go, tourists are keen to look for local food in guangzhou. Among them, the most popular food in the chaoshan area, attracted many specially to guangzhou residents. Day of cellular tourism research...