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浪漫七夕 万友与你相“惠” 汽车情缘

Romantic Tanabata million friends with you phase Tanabata "Hui" car romance

2015-08-19 20:54:52来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 重庆 资讯] 如火的七夕,如火的爱情,这个炎炎夏日里的情人节热情似火!你有什么浪漫计划吗?是到城市的另一端去享用一次诗情画意的烛光晚餐?又或是背上行囊来一场说走就走的梦幻旅行?无论何...

[XCAR Chongqing information of fire, fire of love, the summer heat of Valentine's passionate! You have what romantic plans?? to the other end of the city to enjoy a poetry painting candlelight dinner? Or is on the back of the pack to a walk away dream travel? No matter what...