新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产QLED屏幕发力!未来iPhone要用上了?


Domestic QLED screen power! The future of the iPhone to use?

2017-03-22 14:53:41来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】前段时间,有消息表示苹果正在测试中国屏幕厂商京东方生产的AMQLED显示屏,难道这标志着京东方会成为iPhone 8的屏幕供应商之一?而近日,京东方已经对外宣布成功研发了5...

】 【 PConline information some time ago, there is news that apple is testing China's production of AMQLED boe display screen manufacturers, isn't that marks the boe will become one of the screen suppliers of iPhone 8? And recently, the Beijing Oriental has declared successfully developed 5...