新关注 > 信息聚合 > 扬州五成农民工想在城里买房子 一张图透露购房计划

扬州五成农民工想在城里买房子 一张图透露购房计划

Yangzhou fifty percent migrant workers would like to buy a house in the city A diagram according to the purchase

2016-03-15 10:49:29来源: 新华报业网

中国江苏网3月15日讯 为了解目前扬州市区农民工购房意愿,国家统计局扬州调查队于1月下旬至2月初开展了专题调查,共获得有效样本304份。调查显示,我市农民工多数有购房需求,其中过半已经有了购房计划。...

China jiangsu network - March 15 buyers' migrant workers to understand the yangzhou city, the national bureau of statistics of yangzhou survey team from late January to early February launched project survey, we obtained 304 valid samples. According to the survey, the city's most rural migrant workers housing demand, more than half have the purchase plan. ...