新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯Q3安全报告:PC、移动两端病毒拦截总量均下降


Tencent Q3 security report: PC, mobile viruses interception amount decreased on both ends

2017-10-30 10:31:57来源: DoNews

近日,腾讯安全反病毒实验室发布《2017年Q3季度安全报告》(下简称报告),详细剖析了第三季度的网络病毒发展态势。报告显示,Q3季度电脑、移动两端的病毒拦截总量相比Q2均呈现下降趋势,其中移动端病毒降幅高达57%。但值得注意的是,Q3季度不法分子利用病毒发起攻击的方式有了明显变化,不仅瞄准了多个正规软件,更发起了首起手机端的DDoS攻击,广大用户及软件厂商需引起重视。前端病毒活跃量总体下降 Android检测量环比下降57%根据报告显示,Q3季度的电脑端病毒形势的各项指标基本与Q2季度保持一致,浮动不大。就拦截总量而言,截止到2017年9月底,腾讯安全反病毒实验室拦截电脑端病毒总计15.2亿次...

Recently, tencent security anti-virus LABS, issued the Q3 2017 quarter safety report (report), detailed analysis of the network virus development trend of the third quarter. , according to a report in Q3 quarter at the ends of the computer, mobile viruses interception amount compared to Q2 all showed a trend of decline, in which mobile virus decline up to 57%. But it is worth noting that the use of Q3 quarter the virus attacks have obvious changes, not only aimed at the more formal software, more launched the first mobile phone the DDoS attacks, the masses of users and software vendors should be caused take seriously. Front-end virus active measure overall decline of the Android testing dropped 57%, according to the report of Q3 quarter PC viruses the indicators of the basic situation and Q2 quarterly, floating is not big. In terms of total interception, until the end of September 2017, tencent security anti-virus LABS to intercept PC viruses a total of 1.52 billion times...

标签: PC 腾讯