新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高等级的盘丝小姐妹的悲剧命运


High grade plate wire little sisters of fate tragedy wire

2015-05-15 22:20:41来源: 17173

4年盘丝号,现在174级了,满技能满修炼,封印10封5不中,保证百分之50的命中率我就高兴的跟过年一样,现在帮战基本不敢封了,怕封不中招人嫌弃。 封不了和尚,封地府天宫费劲的跟狗一样,封方寸女儿...

4 disc,, now 174 level, skill is full full practice, seal 10 letter 5 off to ensure 50 percent hit rate and I am happy with the Chinese new year, now to help combat the basic not letter, afraid do not seal recruit abandon. A monk, a hell Temple hard like a dog, a small daughter...