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Chip card UnionPay standard abroad first stop landing Thai Sina

2015-08-20 00:59:19来源: 新浪

新浪美股讯 北京时间19日晚 美通社报道,银联国际与泰国银行家协会18日在曼谷签署芯片卡标准授权协议,银联芯片标准将作为泰国银行业标准,推荐给当地银行使用。 泰国成为境外第一个采用银联标准作为本...

Sina News US stock market Beijing time 19 evening PR Newswire reports, UnionPay international and Thai Bankers Association on the 18th in Bangkok signed chip card standard licensing agreement, UnionPay standard chip will as the Thailand banking standards recommended to the local bank. Thailand became the first overseas use of UnionPay standards as the...