新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中证解读:长春高新拟参投儿科医院 加快大健康产..

中证解读:长春高新拟参投儿科医院 加快大健康产..

Interpretation: Changchun high tech quasi Senate vote pediatric hospitals to accelerate health..

2015-08-19 23:40:15来源: 中证网

本报记者 汪珺 中证网讯,长春高新(000661)8月19日晚公告,公司控股子公司金赛药业与伊美安健、 阿里泰富、上海赛增高共同签署协议,各方共同出资人民币1亿元设立上海童欣医院管理公司,投资、...

reporter Wang Jun card network, Changchun high tech (000661) August 19 evening bulletin, Kinsey pharmaceutical holding subsidiary company and the Iranian meianjian, Ali Pacific, Shanghai Race increased CO signed the agreement, parties joint investment 100 million yuan set up Shanghai Tongxin hospital management company, investment,...