新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保障廉价“救命药”应强化政府责任


To protect the cheap life-saving drugs should strengthen government responsibility

2015-08-19 23:40:15来源: 东方财富网

自今年6月放开药品定价后,廉价“救命药”短缺的现象仍然存在。 自今年6月放开药品定价后,廉价“救命药”短缺的现象仍然存在。近日,多位患者家属及医生发布消息称,一种名为“放线菌素D”的廉价化疗药物...

since June of this year to release the drug pricing, cheap "life-saving medicine shortage phenomenon still exists. Since the release of drug prices in June this year, the phenomenon of the shortage of cheap drugs for help is still there. Recently, a number of patients and family members and doctors announced that a drug called "D" in the cheap chemotherapy drugs...