新关注 > 信息聚合 > 仁云医云:把脉移动医疗的突破点


Ren cloud Yiyun: feel the pulse of the mobile medical in August, the breakthrough point

2015-08-19 23:40:15来源: 广东新闻网

中新网广州8月19日电 (记者 索有为)中国移动医疗市场规模在2014年达到了30.1亿元,占了整个互联网医疗市场整体规模的四分之一左右。记者19日获悉,仁云医云团队基于微信公众号推出的医生移动工具...

Guangzhou 19 (reporter Suo) China mobile medical market in 2014 reached 3.01 billion yuan, accounted for about a quarter of the overall size of the entire Internet medical market. 19 reporter learned, renyun Yiyun team based on the doctor WeChat mobile tool launched on the public...