新关注 > 信息聚合 > 仁济医院妇产科成功诊治一例脾脏妊娠


Yan Chai Hospital, the successful diagnosis and treatment of one case of splenic pregnancy

2015-08-19 23:40:15来源: 丁香园

近日,上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院妇产科确诊一例异常罕见的脾脏妊娠。 患者为 25 岁女性,已有两次剖宫产史,此次妊娠后在当地医院多次检查,停经两月余仍无法确定具体妊娠情况,故慕名来到仁济医院妇...

Recently, Shanghai Jiaotong University Renji Hospital Diagnose rare exception spleen pregnancy. 25 year-old female patient, has two previous cesarean delivery, multiple pregnancy after the examination at a local hospital, menopause two more than a month still can not determine the specific circumstances of pregnancy, it is attracted to Yan Chai Hospital for Women ...