新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年到珠海大剧院去“找爱”


2016 to Zhuhai Grand Theater to "find love"

2015-08-19 23:03:01来源: 华商网

[摘要]珠海新闻网报道记者明敏摄影叶秋明8月18日,由珠海新闻网主办的“国际珠港澳宜居新珠海” 2015全国重点网络媒体看魅力珠海活动正式启动。 珠海新闻网报道 记者明敏 摄影叶秋明 8月18日,由珠海新闻网主办的“国际珠港澳 宜居新珠海”2015全国重点网络媒体看魅力珠海活动正式启...

[Abstract] Zhuhai news network reporter Mingmin photography Qiu Ming Ye August 18, sponsored by the Zhuhai news network in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong and Macao International livable new Zhuhai 2015 national focus on network media look attractive Zhuhai activities officially started. Zhuhai news network reporter Ming Min Ye Qiuming photography photography in August 18th, sponsored by the Zhuhai News Network International beads, Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao livable new Zhuhai 2015 national key network media to see the charm of the official opening of the event...