新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你愿意吗?研究发现大鱼儿吃小鱼粪便延长寿命


Would you like to? The study found that the big fish eat small fish feces prolong life

2017-04-07 11:00:01来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】据英国《每日邮报》4月5日报道,鱼儿通过摄入比自己年轻的鱼粪便可以延长41%的寿命。随着年龄增长,肠道细菌活性将会下降,导致疾病风险上升,但是鱼会把健康的肠道细菌转移到自身...

】 【 PConline information according to the British "daily mail" reported on April 5, fish intake by younger fish feces can prolong the life of 41%. Intestinal bacteria activity will decline with age, causing increased risk of disease, but the fish will transfer healthy intestinal bacteria to itself...