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中甲首日综述:智诚客场补时遭绝杀 超越胜北控

One day review: ZhiCheng away stoppage time winner Beyond winning BeiKong

2016-09-11 11:41:00来源: 华体网

卓尔绝杀贵州智诚 讯 北京时间9月10日,2016赛季中甲联赛第26轮先赛四场,智诚客场补时遭卓尔绝杀,不过没有丢掉领头羊位置,深圳主场战平毅腾,中优和超越均在主场取胜。 武汉卓尔1-0贵州智诚...

Drow dead ZhiCheng in guizhou Beijing time on September 10, 2016 season sense of round four game first, 26 ZhiCheng away stoppage time was drow dead, but didn't lose leading position, and draw the shenzhen home YiTeng, optimal and transcend all win at home. Wu Hanzhuo's 1-0 in guizhou ZhiCheng...