新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【4月27日直播】纸箱机器人试驾


[April 27th live] carton robot test drive

2018-04-26 18:58:11来源: 游戏时光

本期八点档依然分为三个环节,我们将穿上纸箱战甲、试玩奇葩新游,还要对新《战神》做个小小的评断。Part A 试驾LABO机器人箱子已经把LABO纸箱机器人做好了,真不愧是箱子。我们乐享其成,霸占了他的劳动果实,在今晚进行直播。看起来是很拉风,玩起来是什么感觉?我们试试。Part B LOST的百宝箱经过一段时间的酝酿,Lost老师今次又给我们带来了两款游戏。Lost的游戏,最大的魅力就在于不能预测。照例给大家一个马赛克截图感受一下,真正精华请罗老师到时展示。Part C 《战神》质量报告《战神》虽然发售不久,但加上售前的媒体试玩,大力和雷电都打了两遍多了。他们两位,将从各自关注且相...

  the eight points of the current period are still divided into three parts. We will wear carton war armor and try wonderful new tours, and make a small judgement on the new Ares. Part A test drive LABO robot box has completed the LABO carton robot, it is indeed a box. We enjoyed it and occupied the fruits of his labor, which was broadcast live tonight. It looks like a breeze. How does it feel to play? Let's try. Part B LOST's treasure chest has been brewing for a period of time, and Lost teacher has brought us two games this time. The biggest attraction of Lost's game is its failure to predict. As a matter of fact, I'll give you a mosaic screenshot to feel the real essence. Part C "ares" quality report "ares" has been on sale for a long time, but with pre-sale media play, it has fought more than two times with thunder and lightning. They two, will be from their own attention and phase...

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