新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399专访|广州百田发行总监陈煜:回归初心为用户..


Director Chen Yu issue 4399 interview | Guangzhou Bai Tian: return to the beginning of the heart for user..

2015-08-08 19:49:27来源: 4399


Guangzhou Bai Tian information technology's "Aura star", "Obi island" and so on many pages of travel products by the majority of young players like, "Aurra sing" is at the end of July this year officially launched the movie "Aurra sing: onslaught of Temple of. This year, hundreds of field has officially announced the strategy to enter the mobile game market, multi product line is gradually spread. In the ChinaJoy2015 exhibition site, 4399 mobile phone game network reporter had the honor of...