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天天爱美丽金币怎么得 金币获取攻略

Love beautiful gold every day how to get a lot of small partners to get the

2015-05-19 10:14:10来源: TechWeb

很多小伙伴们吵得让小游教授《天天爱美丽》的技巧,下面小游满足大家的心愿来说一说游戏里的金币来源哦~! 成就:成就是金币来源很重要的一块,前期奖励非常容易获得,金币宝石源源不绝~小伙伴们快来领吧,开...

to make a small talk about the "love of the beautiful" skills, the following small visit to meet everyone's wishes to say that the source of the game in the game! Achievement: success is the source of the gold is very important piece, pre reward is very easy to obtain, gems and gold coins in the endless ~ small partners quick to bring it.