新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西普大陆赤焰·阳炎号技能表


Mainland heap table, red sunburst, number skills

2017-01-06 15:33:18来源: 4399

西普大陆赤焰·阳炎号技能表 进化图 种族值 属性:火系简介:守护我的同伴,是我变强的理由!我炽热的火焰之翼将要燃烧一切邪恶,用我手中的武器为我的朋友打通一条光明之路 推荐性格:【调皮】(物攻:+...

Heap continental red, sunburst skills figure ethnic value attribute table evolution: introduction of the system: guardian my companion, is the reason I'm stronger! My wings of blazing flame burning all evil, in the arms of my hands as my friend through a shining path Recommend a character: "naughty" (objects of attack: +...