新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河南新乡一隧道严重积水 气艇渡人每人20元

河南新乡一隧道严重积水 气艇渡人每人20元

Henan xinxiang a serious water tunnel Air craft a great man can save another 20 yuan per person

2016-07-10 02:32:46来源: 大河网

河南新乡暴雨 牧业区新乡市电业局附近一隧道,严重积水。有人专门用充气艇为行人摆渡,并收取每人20到30元不等的费用。晚7点20分,记者看到,一艘充气艇接送2名群众时,船上一名女子不慎落水,幸被及...

Henan xinxiang rainstorm pastoral region near the tunnel of xinxiang power, serious water. Someone special for pedestrians with inflatable boat ferry and charge 20 to 30 yuan per person. Late 20 points at 7 o 'clock, the reporter sees, an inflatable boat transfers, when two people on board a woman accidentally fell down, and her love was...